
PDF Downloads

The EU Research and Innovation Programme 2021-2027 (Horizon Europe - the next research and innovation framework programme of Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, March 2021; PDF, 2 MB, Brochure)

"An automatable platform for genotoxicity testing of nanomaterials based on the fluorometric γ-H2AX assay reveals no genotoxicity of properly surface-shielded cadmium-based quantum dots"
(Publication of Fraunhofer IAP, Center for Applied Nanotechnology CAN, 1.8 MB, 2019)

Fraunhofer's five guiding principles for the preparation of the 9th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (EU Office Brussels, 26/09/2017; PDF, 140 KB)

"Micro- and Nanofabrication"
IMM Brochure, 4.9 MB, 2016)

"Precisely Controlled Continuous Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles"
(IMM Brochure, 1 MB, 2016)

"Nanoparticle Technologies"
(ICT-IMM Flyer, 1.3 MB, 2016)

"Continous sysnthesis of nanoparticles at high temperatures"
(ICT-IMM Flyer, 670 KB, 2016)

"Laser treatment of nano films"
(ILT Flyer, PDF file, 180 KB, 2010)

"Fraunhofer Nanotechnology Alliance"
(New Flyer, PDF file, 720 KB, 2011)

New Brochure of Fraunhofer Innovation Cluster "nano for production"
(IWS Brochure, 3.7 MB, 2010)

Fraunhofer Nanotechnology Flyer
(PDF File, 720 KB, January 2007)

"Dwarfs with a giant future"
(Lead Article, Fraunhofer Magazine, 267 KB, Issue 1/2007:
Experts predict an immense market for the products of nanotechnology – from car manufacturing to medicine)

"Nano products in everyday use"
(Fraunhofer Magazine, 232 KB, Issue 1/2007:
Guest commentary by Dr. Markus Pridöhl, nanotechnology coordinator at Degussa)

"Flame Retardant Coatings, Adhesives and Thermosets"
(leaflet of the IFAM, 90 KB, August 2006)